The Missing Link Of Authenticity

Carl Rogers, a founder of humanistic psychology, focused much of his work on the problem of authority. Rigid power hierarchies had led to oppression in many spheres of life and he pioneered a movement that liberated individuals from these authority structures. People are naturally good, he believed, and can be trusted to do their own […]

When does ambition become harmful?

I’m a person who has set goals all of my adult life. Ever since my dad introduced me to Earl Nightingale when I was a teenager, I was inspired to deliberately better myself. With ambition deeply ingrained, foundational habits were formed that built a road of success for me. But like anything in life, an […]

Salt Spring Island

Last week Val and I had a nice get-away on Salt Spring Island where we enjoyed some hiking, relaxing, and connecting. Thank you Kyle Shury for your generosity. Being a leader in your workplace, community, or home can get heavy. It’s easy to lose perspective and get overwhelmed and exhausted amidst the tyranny of urgent […]

Trauma And Its Impact on Leadership

One does not have to be a military veteran or live in a war zone to encounter trauma. Trauma happens to us, our friends, colleagues, families, and neighbours. Research suggests that up to thirty percent of women (and twenty percent of men) in this country have been sexually abused. Twenty-five percent have been beaten by […]

Twelve Indicators Of Authenticity

For seven decades, leadership scholars have conducted thousands of studies to determine the traits of great leaders. Thankfully, none have constructed a clear profile of an ideal leader. There’s no single leadership style or approach to leadership you can imitate to become a great leader. We can certainly learn from others, but we all have […]

Why A Values-Based Approach To Leadership Is Critical for Engagement

When you hold a kite’s string, you are the anchor that allows it to soar high in the sky. Letting go of that string does not make the kite soar to greater heights. In fact, releasing your grip causes the kite to crash to the ground. Similarly, sustained principles act as an anchor for your […]

How much is enough?

Not long ago I gave a presentation to a group of entrepreneurs where the membership requirement was to be earning more than a million dollars a year. I started with a simple question: “How much is enough?” No one could answer the question. The best I got was, “More than we have now.” So many […]

Relaxation is Overrated

The past few months I’ve been working through a great online course by Cal Newport and Scott Young titled, “A Life Of Focus.” It’s about getting to what truly matters in your life, pruning the unimportant, and learning to stay focused on what is essential – without distraction. A central theme of the course, which […]

How Do You Spot Entitlement?

I’ve noticed that in the midst of great abundance there is an equal and opposite reaction: entitlement. It seems to be human nature that the more you get, the more you want. I grew up with telephone party lines, with one line for five or six residences. Sometimes you had to wait 1/2 hour to […]

How do you counter entitlement in your culture?

When you see entitlement in the culture where you live or work, there are five steps to counter it: Model the way. Just as you won’t expel darkness with frustration, you won’t drive out entitlement with annoyance. Instead of complaining, be the light. You attract others by being attractive. Stick with the winners. Find the […]